Sunday 4 December 2011

A Letter from America--triangles and squares connecting

On a day when there was far too little sun, I got this email from a friend back in the States, which cheered me considerably, so I want to share it with you all. Perhaps in time we'll have photos of the American triangles to share on the blog as well.

Hi, dear,

I gave the Knit Calendar to a good friend of mine. Here's some background so you can appreciate the significance. I met her at First Friends. She's kind of like a mother to me. She's in her eighties and has been thru some awful times. Having volunteered at hospices, she supported me with notes and conversations when Dad was dying. She often writes supportive and appreciative notes to people. She crochets and knits and makes her own gorgeous clothes and does all kinds of creative things.
She asked me over to her house on Monday. I brought out the calendar and she did indeed want it. I told her briefly about Northern Loops--young and old teaching each other what they know. Last night she called while I was at the Y. Then she called on my cell this morning and left a message. That told me she REALLY wanted to talk to me. What she wanted to tell me was that she figured out how to make the triangles. Then it occurred to her that she could make one part smaller and another part larger, or something like that, and she made a square. She'd never used that stitch in that way before. She was very proud of herself for figuring out all that.
She's going to take the calendar to a monthly craft group that she's in charge of at First Friends, called the Gathering Group. I told her you'd appreciate that, since you're a "Pass it on forward" type of person. Obviously she is too. She is glad young people are involved in the knitting and calendar. I told her I'm glad the shawls are used not only for comfort but also for celebration. And I am. She has lots to celebrate now, whereas a year or two ago she needed comfort.

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